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  • Are pets allowed?
    No, Cliffs Resort does not allow pets of any kind. Branson offers multiple boarding options for guest convenience. Service animals require documentation one week prior to arrival. A $500 non-refundable fee will be charged for pet violations; no exceptions.
  • Is Cliffs Resort smoke-free?
    Cliffs Resort is smoke-free. Smoking is not allowed on resort premise or inside guest accommodations. A $500 non-refundable fee will be charged for smoking violations; no exceptions.
  • How far are major attractions?
    Cliffs Resort is minutes away from Branson's most popular attractions: Silver Dollar City | 1 mile Table Rock Lake | 2 miles Branson's 76 Strip | 6 miles
  • How late or early can I check in?
    Upon receipt of the door code and instructions from Cliffs Resort, guests are welcome to enter thier Suite any time after 4pm.
  • Are TVs located in each bedroom?
    Yes, each bedroom and living room is equipped with a flat screen TV with cable service.
  • What is included in Suite kitchenette or kitchen?
    Kitchenette's feature a sink, microwave, coffee-maker and mini-fridge. Kitchen's also feature a full-size refrigerator, ceramic-top stove, oven, dishwasher, and toaster. Both feature spacious counters, drawers, and cabinets stocked with linens, dishware, silverware, glassware, cookware and utensils.
  • What are pool hours?
    The pool is open May (Memorial Day Weekend) until mid-September from 10am – 10pm.
  • Does the resort have BBQ grills?
    Cliffs Resort offers guests a BBQ and picnic area on resort grounds. Unfortunately, grills are not allowed on decks or walkways.
  • Are Suites and 1-Bedroom bookings and/or stays refundable?
    Due to high guest demand and limited availability, Suite and 1-Bedroom bookings and/or stays are non-refundable; kindly, no exceptions.
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